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Join the Liberation.

Take your first, heartfelt step towards creating your dream life: sign the pledge.

I hereby pledge to create the life I dream of: one where I feel liberated, magnetic and proud of who I am.


By signing my name to this pledge, I acknowledge I am making a commitment to myself. I acknowledge I need to make this commitment if I am to create the life I truly desire.


In making this commitment, I recognise I am taking the first step on the path to personal liberation, and that today is the first day of the rest of my life.



Why make the pledge?

AA has a world-famous 12 step program that helps addicts get clean.


But do you know the most important part of that program?


The very first step. The step that asks you to admit something is wrong and desperately needs to change.


It's really easy to follow someone on Instagram, sign up to a mailing list, even spend thousands of pounds on workshops and courses in the name of personal growth.


It's a great way to feel like you are doing something when in fact you are doing absolutely nothing.




Because you haven't taken that very first step: you haven't committed with your whole heart & soul to the change you know needs to happen. You've just clicked a button, pressed some keys, or thrown a shit-ton of cash at the problem.


And it doesn't work. 


Because if you want create a life that you dream of, where you feel liberated, magnetic and proud of you truly are rather than directionless, ashamed and frozen in fear, you have to genuinely take that first step.


You have to take it with all your heart. You have to feel it in every fibre of your being. You have to dig deep down within you, put aside your ego and commit to doing things differently. And that is fucking hard. I know, because I had to take it too.


Now, I want to make it easier for you to take that first step. Actually, I want to make the whole journey to your dream life much easier for you - that's why I created my Higher Love Approach™, as a step-by-step method of getting from a place of fear and pain to one of love and liberation.


Mastering the steps of the Approach will create a life you truly desire. And the very first step is making a personal commitment.


By signing the pledge on this page, you are making a commitment to change and starting your journey to the life you yearn for. After you've signed, I'll email you a bundle of useful resources to help keep your commitment at the top of your mind, plus regular tips on how to master the steps of the Higher Love Approach™.


And here's the big thing: once you've signed, it doesn't matter to me if you choose to continue down the Higher Love path - if you choose to use the resources I send you or work with me in the future. You can ignore all the emails I send and instead emigrate to Tibet to become a meditating monk or ditch your smartphone and join an Amish community or train for 10,000 hours as a somatic psychologist or whatever


Because the most important step has already happened. You have made a genuine, heart-felt, soul-level personal commitment to change and you cannot go back.


And that's what I really want.​ I want more women and AFAB people leading liberated lives. How you get there is up to you. But from my 20 years of experience in this field, I know that every person has to start in the same way:


Admit that something is wrong.

Make the commitment to changing your life.


The pledge on this page is your way to take that first step - today.

White Dove on Blue

My goal is to get 1000 women & AFAB people taking their first step toward liberation.

When you're ready, join us. Become one of the first 1000 women & AFAB making their own personal pledge to live a more liberated, magnetic life.

I hereby pledge to create the life I dream of: one where I feel liberated, magnetic and proud of who I am.


By signing my name to this pledge, I acknowledge I am making a commitment to myself. I acknowledge I need to make this commitment if I am to create the life I truly desire.


In making this commitment, I recognise I am taking the first step on the path to personal liberation, and that today is the first day of the rest of my life.



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